quarta-feira, 13 de abril de 2011


I recently became aware of the existence of Kirk Nugent. That was my ignorance! Like others, we are so alienated in just knowing what we want, or think that suits usNonsense!
I step in front of me what I know about Kirk Nugent. Because I wanted everyone to know that he is a poet!

"For more than a decade, Kirk Nugent has served as a catalyst for change, challenging preconceived notions about success and self-actualization. Kirk started public speaking in poetry venues where he displayed a keen understanding of social and political issues delivered with his signature brand of infectious wit and frenetic energy. Early audiences crowned him “The People’s Poet,” and the stage was set for Kirk to widen his speaking base to include college campuses, key note addresses for Fortune 500 companies, church ministries and empowerment workshops. He has spoken at venues across the United States, Canada, Europe and the Caribbean. Kirk continues to impact the lives of people from around the world with public speaking engagements, and live appearances, as well as with his books, The Unpopular Truth and I Need You to Remember, and also his two disc audio set, Pursue Your Passion"                   http://www.kirknugent.com/bio.htm


Kirk Nugent: Signs Of The Times

And low

The Spirit of the Lord moved upon the waters and He said unto me
Son of Man, with pen in hand write that which thou hath seen.
But first remind the children of the Earth that they’re Sovereign Beings
Remind them that there is so much more to life than what they have seen.
And above all, remind them never to abandon their dreams.
At some point everyone gets distracted and that’s fine
But remind them not to lose their way, while they’re chasing nickels and dimes
Because it’s far more important to be able to interpret the signs of the times
And at this time?!?! There are many signs.
But those who know it all, are destined to remain blind,
While in the meantime, Earth welcomes a new paradigm.
Be not so arrogant as to think that you are the only ones
There are many Universes, with many dimensions and many beings
And pretty soon, your cosmic family, you will be seeing.
You still haven’t collectively learn how to love your brother from another race
So it’s going to be interesting to see how you deal with your parents from outer space.
Look to the stars with humility and respect
Because your world is on the eve of a huge reality check.
You’re about to fully understand that the Earth is a living being
And if your vibration is not in alignment with hers
Well, hmmmm… one of you will be leaving the scene.
He said, “I want you to know
That the ones who think that they’re running the show, they’re not
Floods, earthquakes and climate changes, those are just warning shots
Mother Earth’s way of saying, “ I've been loving you way too long
And you ain't been loving me back.”
These are very transformational times that you’re living
All the signs have already been given.
Go and read what the indigenous tribes wrote
These are the times to be focused on your spiritual growth,
And this particular window of opportunity is beginning to close.
“Son of man why labor thou in vain?
You sacrifice much for this material plane,
For a simple piece of paper with an ex president’s name
You yield to so much emotional pain.
Don’t you understand that spiritual wealth sacrificed for material gain
Is always insane?
He said, “Speaking of spiritual wealth, why do you pay to pray?
Why do you need a middle man to hold my hand
When I've always told you, ‘We are ONE’ ”
Why do you look to these pompous prophets and so-called prophetess
When you know that Christ is a consciousness
That anyone can readily access once they put the ego to rest.
So there’s no need to get dressed
In your Easter best, like you’re entering a fashion contest.
Son, you’re already blessed,
And there is no cover charge to let that Spirit be expressed.
I AM everything, and everything is me
If you would just be STILL for a minute
You would see through the illusion of this caper.
Think about it, I AM GOD
So why would I need ten percent of a worthless piece of paper?
All I have ever required was service from thee
Serve your fellow human being and you’re serving me
Give your time, your love, your talents back to the community
Give, give of yourself, lovingly and freely, and you can accomplish that, easily
Without buying my alleged representative a Bentley.
Who do you think contributes more to your society,
The man who is collecting US$500,000 per week from his parishioners
Or someone who gives of themselves, like a Mother Teresa?
I need your heart, not your purse
I AM the brightest Light in the Universe.
And the ALL THAT IS can never be diminished
So at best, man has created God in his own image.
You cannot buy your way into the Kingdom
I don’t care if on Sundays, you’re some big shot who run the hot spot
And you need armed guards when you pass the collection pot
Look! Either you’re a vibrational match or you’re not.
You’ve been deceived by religion because you were purposely
Taught that the fear of God is all that you need to know
And anything that you fear eventually becomes your foe
And if you’re afraid of me,
You would rather pay somebody to go speak to me.
So as you can see,
You’re constantly being manipulated because you refuse to learn
That the wrath of God is a contradiction in terms.
I’ve never punished, nor will I ever punish anyone, for anything
So allow me to explain the system in which you’re living.
Earth is essentially a classroom without the chairs and the desks
And it enables the soul to experience freedom of choice
In relationship to cause and effect.
So enjoy your pain for you’ve earned it,
Now look beyond the pain, find the lesson and you’ve learned it.
Fail to learn the lesson and you’re moved to another place
And before you know it, POOF! Same teacher, different face.
You can never miss the lesson so no need to be concerned
Because the lesson repeats until the lesson is learned.
So you’re never punished for your sins
You’re just constantly receiving feedback
On how to become more and more loving.
But in order for you to understand what you’re truly worth
You must first understand that your life began way before your physical birth.
Death is but an illusion, there is no death, only transitions
Birth in the physical is death to your natural spiritual disposition.
When you die in the physical, you’re reborn in the spiritual
And before you came here, you made agreements with other souls upon your initial contact
So how can you be upset with an abusive parent who is just executing a spiritual contract?
They’re just lessons, lessons for you to garner
Lessons to help you remember, lessons to balance karma.
And when you consciously realize that you’re an eternal Being
You immediately plug into Source, the Mainframe, the Ultimate Server
The ego detaches, you see clearly, because now you become the observer.
The observer who sees beyond the illusion of duality
So now, religious and political arguments die from lack of attention in your reality
And when you see folks proclaiming
“I make two hundred thousand per year, look at me, look at me I’m important,
See the Mansion, see the Mercedes, that’s what I’m maintaining.”
You chuckle to yourself, because at this point, the ego is so damn entertaining.
And you say nothing, you resign them to their fate
Because you understand that they’re just striving to be great.
And as you humble yourself, your Light will begin to shine
And those who are searching, will be drawn to your light in time
Those who are glued to the material plane will believe that you’ve lost your mind.
And as you walk the spiritual path, this realm will begin to appear very coarse
And the need for material items will begin to lose its driving force.
And you will move from passion to purpose because you’re now operating from Source.
Now you realize that the only things you can keep
Are only those which you have given
And for the first time in your life, you’re truly living
You realize that you have all that you need, and there is nothing missing.
And every opportunity to interact with another human being becomes a blessing,
You become the perpetual student and in every moment lies a lesson
The mind becomes still, and the noise of the ego stops
And this knowledge that I give to you is shared freely
Not through a ten thousand dollar weekend workshop.
And as you and others walk the path of integrity, the world will become observant
And men will truly understand that the greatest among you
Will always be servants.

......And folks! Keep the Faith!

segunda-feira, 14 de março de 2011

Historical events that occurred on March 14

  • 1519 - Hernan Cortes landed in the Gulf of Mexico with 700 men to complete the conquest of the country. 
  • 1558 - Ferdinand I assumes the title of Holy Roman Emperor even without the blessing of the Pope. 
  • 1840 - Pope Pius IX promulgated the constitution in Rome. 
  • 1844 - D. Pedro II amnesty leaders of the revolution of 1842. 
  • 1918 - The Soviet government establishes its headquarters in Moscow and settled in the Kremlin. 
  • 1938 - One of the most important leaders and theoretician of the Soviet Revolution, Nikolai Bukharin is executed on the orders of Josef Stalin, after being accused of spying on behalf of Western powers. 
  • 1939 - The Republic of Czechoslovakia is dissolved, paving the way for Nazi occupation. 
  • 1948 - The U.S. Senate approved the Marshall Plan. 
  • 1964 - Jack Ruby is convicted of killing Lee Harvey Oswald, suspected of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, in November 1963. 
  • 1981 - I was born. Luciana Teixeira de Almeida
  • 1983 - OPEC agrees to reduce oil prices by 15%. The measure was the first of its kind in its 23 year history. 
  • 1984 - Guerrillas attack the Colombian city of Florencia, killing 32 people. The government decreed a state of siege in the region. 
  • 1985 - Tancredo Neves is admitted for surgery for diverticulitis. The president elected by the Electoral College died on April 21 of that year. 
  • 1991 - President Fernando Collor de Melo Launches Project for National Reconstruction. 
  • 1995 - Norman Thagard becomes the first American astronaut to board a Russian rocket. He and two Russian cosmonauts aboard the Soyuz departs toward the space station Mir. 
  • 2002 - Serbia and Montenegro, the two republics that make up the Yugoslav federation, sign an agreement to restructure their institutions and formally abandon the name Yugoslavia. 
  • 2004 - Russia announces re-election of Vladimir Putin in presidential elections, with 71% of the vote. 


Teresa Cristina Maria of Bourbon (1822-1889), Brazilian empress
Castro Alves (1847-1871), poet from Bahia
Albert Einstein (1879-1955), German physicist, Nobel Prize in 1922
Michael Caine (1933 -), English actor
Glauber Rocha (1939-1981), Brazilian filmmaker
Luciana Teixeira de Almeida (1981-)
Albert Grimaldi (1958 -), son of Prince Rainier III of Monaco
Raimundo Ferreira Ramos Junior (1970 -), Junior Baiano, football player


968 - Santa Matilde
1682 - Jacob van Ruisdael, Dutch painter
1883 - Karl Marx, German philosopher
1932 - George Eastman, founder of the American photographer Kodak
2003 - Cyll Farney, the Brazilian actor

quinta-feira, 10 de março de 2011

AGING!!! 3.0

People! This month I'll turn the digit! That's right, 3.0. I'm getting more powerful is not it? I think yes, it's the only way to accept old age. Keep up the good humor, a difficult task for a woman who has not yet complied with their duties in society. Then, I separated some photos of actresses that I like to simplify it so, we can accept the law of gravity. This is me trying to motivate myself. Keep the faith!

domingo, 9 de janeiro de 2011

Sunday Afternoon with Woody Allen

decided to spend my Sunday afternoon watching movies and my choices today were two movies that put off some time to watch. Was my Sunday afternoon with Woody Allen.

The first movie chosen was "You will meet a tall dark stranger."
I can not understand, his movies are all alike and yet are different.
The movie is so real, the events reminds me the case of a neighbor, coworker, family, or even about my own life. It's fascinating!
Normal facts that makes us see and understand how things really are.
"Sometimes the illusion is better than a medicine" I'll remember that!

Like most of this one: "Whatever Works "
Oh, I remember Evan Rachel Woods in times of "Once and Again" this girl turned in a magic girl.
For more unpleasant it is, Boris made me laugh! His sarcasm, arrogance makes me like him even more.
It is a shocking movie, opens a little our minds. As we are small and square. Shows us how we are stuck in our mind imposed by ideals that are not ours.
It´s not about a city that changes people, but our intolerance to accept people's ideas makes us small.

A magical movie with a wry sense of humor, a dialog peppered of theoriesphilosophies and social criticism. It is intelligent and holds the plot.
If you watched you know what I mean.

sábado, 8 de janeiro de 2011

Epic TV series.

I've lost count of how many times I watched The Tudors. I am changing over time.

Today I finished my marathon of Rome. It's amazing, I can not stop watching sitcomsGame of Thrones and others. Now my new addiction is Spartacus: Blood and Sand.

I confess that I prefer those of the time AC, but it fascinates me how the lust for power was great back then and nothing has changed today. What sets us apart is the barbarism of the time, although it does in some places.

For those who have not watched, I recommend. Especially Rome. Is a short series that opens our eyes to many things, many denials and beliefs. Episodes from 2005 to 2007. It is considered one of the most expensive series produced by TV. Maybe that's reason it only lasted two seasons.

Already Spartacus, can be watch by the cable channel. Now if you are like me and like to watch the time that suits you, you can watch the first season is already on sale.